General converter

Mainly provide video editing and common video and audio format conversion. Because it is for a special encoding format, it uses relatively little CPU and memory, and you can't even hear the sound of the CPU fan.

The operation is clear at a glance, freely select the video, audio, subtitle, size, fps, etc. that need to be converted, and support more than 10 output formats.

More video converter

It has powerful file conversion capabilities and supports any (in theory) video, audio, and subtitle (text type) file conversion.

Provide powerful multiplexing and demultiplexing.

It is a supplement to the general converter.

Screen recording

Provide full screen and partial screen recording.

Support built-in camera and external camera.

High compression ratio, you can easily set the balance between quality and size according to personal needs.

Video crop

Visible and available operation interface, efficient and practical, providing 6 output formats for typesetting.

This function needs to be combined with the function on the general homepage to complete the video cropping process.

Video clip

Any video clip can be edited, and then any video can be recombined through the merge function, and the clip editing is accurate to the second.

Note: This function can perform clip conversion completely independently. You can use the "Convert" button to continuously add edited video clips to the conversion list.

2D to 3D conversion

Colorful 3D conversion, support more than 30 output formats, one key to get it.

Note: This function can perform 3D output conversion completely independently. If you select the "Anglyph" effect, the converted video will no longer be converted to 2D video.

MP4 Combiner

Simple interface, powerful video combiner.

Note: This function is completely independent for conversion. Support unlimited video merging, you can reorder or delete the order of joining at any time.

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